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Barbara C. Breger, M.D.

Areas of Specialization

    pediatric ophthalmology

Barbara C. Breger, M.D.


Barbara C. Breger, M.D. is a board certified Ophthalmologist who earned her medical degree from the University of California, School of Medicine in San Francisco and served her residencies at The Mount Sinai Hospital, New York in Ophthalmology, Pathology and Neurology. Dr. Breger accomplished her undergraduate degree from The University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Breger has taught at The Mount Sinai Hospital and presently since 1972 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. She has had a private Ophthalmology practice in Beverly Hills since 1971. She is a qualified medical reviewer for charts regarding care rendered by physicians for the Medical Board of California. Dr. Breger has, as an expert witness, performed Independent Medical Examinations and testified in court on several occassions.

Dr. Breger has contributed to the American Journal of Ophthalmology and has writing on the subject of “Anti-Microbial Therapy in Ophthalmology”; furthermore, she has had experience as a sub-investigator for several drug studies. She does extensive charitable work for Vista Del Mar, The Los Angeles Crippled Children Hospital, The Venice Family Clinic, Foundation for the Junior Blind, California Children’s Service and Medi-Cal and The Kayne-Eras Center.

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